Changing lives, by helping you step into your power, and live the life you desire!
Feel Freer in mind, body & spirit
Illuminate, means to shine light on and to make something brighter and more visible. Are you ready to shine light on your self, career or world?
“This vast experience of history that I have led, in these 42 years of my life, has led me to be this amazing dynamic individual that can pull from experience from many facets, so that I can help you transform your life, and live a happier and healthier life. To help you through those transformational experiences. Help enlighten you and empower you to become the next version of what you are stepping into. To remind you that the next step is not the end all be all, it’s just the next step. Because we get so attached that the next partner, house, job, meal, vacation etc, that it is going to be the end all be all, and that’s not true.”- Brian
Brian M. Truskowski
Coach. Teacher. Bodyworker.
Working out of:
(click to schedule appointment)
Working Virtually, to serve a broader clientele!
shine your light
On your self, career & World
Let your light shine.
You are radiant pure divine light and love. Shine it!
As Michael Beckwith says, ”We are not here to walk lockstep with the status quo. We are here to bring our unique gifts to this world!”
Shine your light, shine your gift and shine your love! Don’t give anything less than your fullness. You are here to truly shine for the world!