Messages from a Tree

Messages from a Tree

What if letting go of big chunks of our life that no longer serve us is healthy? A lot of times we hold on to what no longer serves us, realizing we’re doing ourselves a...
Live Life, Don’t fear death

Live Life, Don’t fear death

Live life, life is dynamic, life is beautiful. Don’t let death scare you, but let it inspire you to do the thing you’ve been wanting to do.      ...
Is there anything…

Is there anything…

What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? The energy between these two is subtle and potent. When engaging with others in need, asking is there anything you can do to support, is a cleaner way of offering help without assuming...
Need Vs. Support

Need Vs. Support

This video describes the differences between the energies of need and support, and what that looks like in the real world.      ...